Grounded at the Field House

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Grounded at the Field House

We are so thankful to be back at ’er in Lab City!


Summer is our busy season in Labrador, with many of our St. John’s team joining our Lab West team in the field, conducting studies, gathering content, and enjoying some of the greatest outdoors in the country. When Lab City was evacuated, over 1 week ago, they were suddenly grounded at the Wabush field house. Amidst fear and uncertainty, our team leads rose into action and ensured everyone’s comfort and safety. Evacuation protocol was prepped, supplies gathered, and clients and colleagues reached out to ensure we had everything we needed as the team hunkered down and awaited next steps.


What to do when you have a team of eager, energetic go-getters suddenly stopped in their tracks? They soon decided that if they must stare at 4 walls, they might as well be nice to look at.  Everyone pulled together to give our field house a much-needed facelift: a fresh coat of paint and a new back deck means this home away from home will provide even more comfort for crews to come. Although the circumstances were less than ideal, our team raved about their experience, and the smiling faces in the photos they shared did everyone’s hearts good.


We are so grateful they have returned either back to Lab City or back to St John’s, safe and sound.


Our office is once again open at 2 Neal Street, and we are ready to pick up where we left off with fresh focus and a greater appreciation for the work we do and the team we do it with.

September 18, 2024