RPAS @ Olympics. OMG, what's OTG?

RPAS @ Olympics. OMG, what's OTG?

The Paris Olympic Games was recently marred by an unsportsmanlike incident involving Canadian Soccer: A staff member was caught using a drone, or RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System), to spy on New Zealand’s soccer team. This scandal highlights not only a breach of sportsmanship but also raises numerous legal and ethical concerns regarding drone operation.  

Beyond unsportsmanlike conduct, there are a myriad of issues with the drone operation itself! The use of drones, especially in a high-profile setting like the Olympics, involves several legal and ethical considerations: whether the operator was licensed in France, if the drone was legally permitted to fly over people, whether the stadium is in controlled airspace, how were the privacy rights of the individuals being surveilled protected, and more. 

Responsible drone operations are critical to maintaining trust with the public. At SEM, we comply with all Transport Canada regulations, local bylaws, worksite procedures, and coordinate with NavCanada and others when operating in controlled airspace. Transport Canada provides a great overview of drone laws at https://tc.canada.ca/en/aviation/drone-safety/learn-rules-you-fly-your-drone/flying-your-drone-safely-legally. This resource is invaluable for understanding the complexities of legal drone operation. 

While micro-drones have more relaxed requirements in Canada, such as no need for a pilot certificate, it is still crucial to operate them responsibly. Safety and privacy must always be respected, regardless of the drone’s size or the perceived leniency of regulations. We keep these values in mind when performing drone inspections, videography flights, LiDAR scans, and our photogrammetry missions. 

Responsible drone operation is not just about following the law—it's about respecting the people and communities around us. Let's all aim to fly safely and ethically, ensuring the skies remain open for innovation and exploration. 

September 18, 2024