Thinking Outside the Tackle Box

Thinking Outside the Tackle Box

As part of our environmental monitoring work, SEM conducts extensive fishing surveys to assess and understand aquatic ecosystems. Unfortunately, conventional fish sampling methods such as gill netting, often result in high rates of fish mortality, posing a significant challenge to sustainable scientific research. Recognizing this issue, SEM embarked on developing an innovative method to conduct fish surveys that would reduce mortality rates while maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the data collected.

The solution came in the form of the paired trawling method, where a net is towed between two boats. This technique captures the targeted species while allowing recreational fish species to be released without harm. Adapted and trialed in the field, the results were promising; the paired trawling method significantly reduced fish mortality compared to traditional fishing survey methods. This reduction in mortality is crucial as it allows for the conservation of fish populations while still providing our researchers with the necessary data to study and monitor these populations effectively.

Moreover, the paired trawling method enables sampling at targeted depths, ensuring that scientists can gather data from various strata within large and deep freshwater bodies. This capability is essential for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of fish assemblages and their distribution across different environmental conditions.

The successful adaptation of the paired trawling method from commercial fisheries to scientific monitoring represents a significant breakthrough. By thinking outside the tackle box, SEM has not only enhanced the effectiveness and sustainability of our fish surveys but also demonstrated our commitment to innovation and conservation. This project highlights how creative solutions can address complex challenges, ultimately benefiting our clients and contributing to the health and sustainability of fish populations.

SEM’s development and implementation of the paired trawling method for fish surveys exemplifies our dedication to advancing environmental monitoring techniques. This approach not only reduces fish mortality but also ensures that we can continue to provide accurate and valuable data for the management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems, keeping our fish populations healthy!